Motorcycle Accident Treatment in Centennial, Colorado

We recently had a patient come into the office who was involved in a motorcycle accident. He fell over onto his left side, with the motorcycle landing on top of him. As a result of the accident, he had left sided low back pain and pain shooting down his left leg. He had been involved

Auto Injury Treatment Review

Read a review from a past client at Heritage Health regarding auto accident injury treatment: “The last thing that I wanted to have happen was to be in a car accident! But it happened. I was on my way home in the evening and some guy ran right into the back of my car! I

Neck Pain Treatment Review

I was rear-ended on I-70 and my car was smashed! I was looking in my rear-view mirror when I was impacted. Because my neck was turned at that moment, I immediately had pain on the right side of my neck. I was taken to the hospital to have x-rays taken of my neck to check

Car Accidents & Medical Payments By Car Insurance

Have you been in a car accident? Do you know that unless you have opted out in writing, that you have medical payments taken care of by your car insurance? It can be a confusing and frustrating time following an accident, especially if you are in pain, and Heritage Health can help you get better!