The sciatic nerve is a peripheral nerve that starts in the spine and branches out into the leg. When pinched or irritated, its nerve fibres – motor and sensory fibres that control muscles, movement, and feeling – stop doing their job properly.
Severe pain is one of the most recognizable symptoms that result from the irritation of the sciatic nerve, but there are a couple other symptoms you should be on the lookout for. They are hard to miss and are a sure signal that you are dealing with a sciatica problem.
Sciatica Pain and Other Symptoms
Numbness and tingling in the feet and legs are two other common symptoms of sciatica. Sciatica is a form of nerve root impingement, also known as a pinched nerve. Tingling or numbness in a specific area lets a specialist know which nerve root is irritated.
For instance, the femoral nerve begins at nerve roots from L2-L4, which means Lumbar 2nd to lumber 4th level. There also are sciatic nerve roots further down starting at L4-S3, S meaning Sacral. Once the areas experiencing sciatica pain have been identified, a Centennial CO chiropractic care provider at Heritage Health will be able to create a custom treatment plan.
It’s very common for people with sciatica pain symptoms to experience weakness, numbness and pain between the L5-S1 nerve roots. This is down the back and behind your leg and into the outside of your foot.
According to Premier Sports and Spine Center, an Eden Prairie, MN Chiropractor, “It’s possible to have symptoms in just one leg or foot without any associated lower back pain.” If you feel sciatica in both legs and feet, it is especially important to seek diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.
Sciatica Pain Treatment
Contact us today to get started on your custom treatment plan for sciatica, neck pain, back pain, or other conditions. These ailments are more widespread than most realize. A chiropractor in Tempe recently reported a study that found as much as 85 percent of the population has dealt with back pain. Heritage Health has successfully treated all kinds of neck, back, leg, and extremity issues for patients throughout Centennial CO and Englewood CO, and we are ready to find a solution for you!
If you ever need a chiropractor in Forth Worth TX, visit ChiroPlus Clinics for safe and effective treatment for sciatica and other common back, neck and leg ailments.
Jenkins Park Chiropractic, a Cedar Park chiropractor, also provides trusted treatment solutions for sciatica pain, back pain, and more.