

Chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue release techniques that correctmisalignments to heal back, neck, and other pain without the need for surgery or prescription drugs.


Active treatment solutions to treat underlying causes of decreased flexibility, limited joint range, reduced strength and similar symptoms faced by post-surgery and injured patients.


Dry needling uses the some of the same tools as aucupucture, but it is a separate discipline made to directly benefit the muscles. Releases tension, promotes relaxation, speeds healing.


Expert manual massage techniques that work deep into muscle to stretch and relax tissue while eliminating pain trigger points that can be the root cause of many types of pain.

We’re Here to Help

Are you new to Heritage Health?

New patients are required to complete an intake form on their first visit. Print, fill out,
and bring forms to the office, or please arrive 20 minutes early for your first appointment.


Schedule an Appointment

The Heritage Health office is open Monday through Saturday, with early morning, lunch hour, and evening appointments available. Call 303-694-1245 or click below to schedule.


  • I always enjoy my visits to this establishment. The quality of care is top notch and the atmosphere is inviting. I recommend all of the practitioners, Mike and Paul always extend a warm welcome for everyone on every visit.
    Littleton, CO
  • Getting adjusted helps to keep me from getting sick, which I have not been sick since the 1990s. It also helps when I am in pain due to my spike being twisted pinching my nerves.
    Conifer, CO
  • The team at Heritage Health are my heroes. I say this because everyone on this team has fantastic expertise as well as care delivery that is genuinely compassionate. I am always difficult due to all the illnesses that I have actively flaring at any given time. And I always end up leaving feeling better than when I came to the office. Dr. Paul’s adjustments take care of my neck, spine and joint mal-alignments and helps me feel less in pain. Robbin’s acupuncture treatments work on pain and systemic issues to complement more traditional care I get through a spectrum of specialists treating complex health issues. Dr. Mike has also taken excellent care of me on the very rare times that Dr Paul was away, just giving re-assurance that this team of experts are truly complementary in technique and communicate well with each other as needed on behalf of their patients. And Melanie does a great job in her support of the doctors and patients!

    The Heritage Health team is critical to my wellness and I feel so fortunate that they have been working with me these last 5 years or so.

    Denver, CO
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